Want to be an entrepreneur? Five Skills we Focus on at Monmouth College

Why study Entrepreneurism at Monmouth? A student who completes our Business  major will be able to: 

  • Create business plans that effectively integrate marketing, management, and finance in order to create value for customers, owners, employees and the communities they serve.
  • Interpret and explain data necessary for decisions in our complex world-making the process to assess trade offs among alternatives more quantitatively clear
  • Simply communicate (sometimes) complicated ideas and business strategy through effective oral and written presentations
  • Identify the social, legal, and ethical factors involved in business strategy and incorporate these factors into decision making.
  • Engage in civil discourse with those who disagree and acknowledge the strengths, weaknesses and risks associated with alternative actions. 
  • Contribute to the success of a team-based work as a leader, peer, and subordinate.

What future business leader doesn’t need that skill set?